Sunday, February 7, 2010

Think Creative Ministries

Hi this is Josh Matthews, creator of Think Creative Ministries. This is the first posting on this new blog. So in light of that. WELCOME. I hope you will find this to be an inspirational resource.

Think Creative Ministries is a way to creatively present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have many avenues in which we do this. The first of which is in the area of Christian Drama. Through the Think Creative Ministries Team, We produce a Christian Comedy Variety and Improv Show called, "Sabbath Evening Live."
We also produce a improvisational Podcast called "All This Stuff In One Podcast." Our actors explore their imaginations and create quality lunacy for kids and their parents everywhere.
We also offer Christian Drama education. Everything from acting classes to starting your own Church Drama Team.
You can find our group's profile on Facebook at: Think Creative Ministries.
There you will find the latest news as to what we are doing, when our next show is, and pictures from the latest event.

In addition to providing you with clean, God honoring comedy, Think Creative Ministries wants to encourage a closer walk with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Much of the material found on this site will be inspirational thoughts to help us in our daily walk with God. Each day you will find a new "Thought for the Day." This is mostly the result of insights I have gathered from the Bible, sermons, books on spiritual enrichment, friends, and life itself. I used to post my "Thought for the Day" as my Facebook status update. This worked well for a while, until the 420 character limit became to restricting. This blog provides a better format for sharing the, "Thought for the Day." Coupled with the current "Thought for the Day, I will also post some of the older ones from Facebook. Please feel free to comment on anything you see.

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